Sunday, May 24, 2009

Anyone can recover from ANY Addiction!

Recovery from any addiction is possible, and we are seeing on a daily basis results that are saving lives, families and institutions from the ravages of addiction.

Everyone, right now, is addicted to something. For some it's a substance, others, it's the need to control life, or to be liked by everyone. For others, it's the addiction to the "day" when all will be great. Like when they have more money, or they have lost weight, or have a partner. You can fill in the blanks here, but this addiction is a very powerful one.

I began my work in helping people to heal from addictions 20 years ago, and everyday I get the chance to see people reclaiming their lives. It is simply beautiful, simply miraculous.

This work helps to create a total mind, body, spirit based recovery system for each individual based on their specific needs and circumstances. Nutrition, spiritual practices, exercise, emotional support systems and even financial management are all included to ensure the ultimate success for each individual.

The face of addiction is ever changing, and the shame of admitting that we even have an addiction of any type keeps millions of people in the USA chained to habits, substances and behaviors that keeps them from living a joyful happy and successful life for years and years. Through the power of our life coaching program, this does not have to be the case anymore.

My personal recovery began in 1996, and continues to this very day. And will joyously continue to be a part of my daily routine for the rest of my life. I use the word "joyously" , as I has seen the impossible happen. Where once I could not have imagined a day without alcohol or drug use, I now enthusiastically approach each day with passion and wonder, and love to help others to do the same.

Over the past 20 years, this program has helped thousands of people become free of every type of addiction imaginable, including but not limited to :

Alcohol Addiction
Drugs & Substances such as cocaine, marijuana, nicotine & prescription
Relationships & Codependency
Self Image & Esteem Issues
Persistent or Returning Negative Thoughts & Attitude
Attachment, phobia and repression

My path has led me to experience both traditional and non traditional forms of recovery, and feel blessed to be able to offer my clients a unique combination of both in this uniquely crafted recovery program. The reasons behind addiction to substances, negative thinking, sex, food, greed, wealth, shopping or control may be similar or vastly different between each client, but the path to freedom will be the same for all. Self knowledge, surrender, education, action, and application combined with an open mind. I can help you learn how to:

Build a deeper spiritual foundation
Deal with crisis and chaos
Manage stress
Overcome Procrastination
Improve Communication at home or work
Heal from the loss of a love relationship
Rebuild after divorce or loss of a love relationship

Through the power of both talk and written coaching practices, each person discovers not just the "whys" of their addiction, but also the "how's" needed to move to a new existence.

Our compassion and confidentiality for each client is unsurpassed, as through my own daily recovery I knows firsthand the importance of having a support system in place that really cares. And yes, I really do care deeply about every person I work with.

We know that because of the fact that you are reading this right now, that today is the day to make the call, and begin your own process to finally get on the road to freedom, the road to recovery, that is available today for everyone.

I would be honored to work with you in your recovery and help you bring in the happiness, success, peace, and health that you deserve.

Your new path is simply a phone call away: 941-266-7676. Let us show you the way. Whether we do this in person or over the phone, the results will be the same:Freedom,Success.

"I am so grateful for the tools, wisdom, and courage that you provided to help me solve my dependency to alcohol. My 8 weeks with you provided everything that I needed to quit when nothing else had worked in my many past attempts to stop drinking. After 18 years of alcohol addiction, I am now happily sober and loving life. I still thank you every day."
— Andy

"Working with David on sexual addictions has transformed my life. I no longer dwell in guilt and self disgust from my behavior. I am able to experience the overwhelming emotion, accept it for what it is and let it go. This change did not happen overnight, it is something that I work on moment by moment. By applying the tools I received I am learning to love and accept myself and am taking a deeper look into the cause of the addiction, not the addiction itself. The investment of time and money in working with David has brought about a change in many areas of my life. I highly recommend his work, he has been a vehicle of Gods love and blessings to me."
— Wendy

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